
1st mtp
1st mtp

1st mtp

Silicone is a relatively soft polymer and was popularized by Alfred Swanson for use as an inter-positional device that allowed movement between diseased joint segments. Use of polymer biomaterials was common in the performance of hemi-arthroplasty and silicone materials was one of the initial choices. Generally hemi-arthroplasty with a single component consists of a solitary material, while two component or total joint implant systems are fabricated of more than one material, which generally include both the metal and a polymeric component. Materials used in the design of implants include a host of polymers and metals.

1st mtp

The author has contributed to numerous textbook chapters, reviewing these topics and refers to participant to the three editions of McGlamry's textbook, Comprehensive Textbook of Foot and Ankle Surgery for a more in-depth discussion.

1st mtp

Just like histology, physiology, pathology are necessary prerequisites for the practice of medicine our study of joint implantation must include a discussion about materials, implant design, indications for use of the implant and appropriate patient selection. Our discussion of implants does need to include a few basic principles. I'll try and identify what has worked and what has not worked with regard to implant surgery.

1st mtp

We’ve learned a few things about implant arthroplasty over these years and as a senior member of our profession, who has investigated implants more than 30 years, my goal is to try and impart to you some of the important aspects of implant surgery that I have learned during that time. John Vanore: Implant arthroplasty is not a new phenomenon and has been practiced at the level of first MTP joint for the last 40 or so years. Production of this present lecture was made possible by an educational grant from Integra, Limit Uncertainty. There are a good number of first metatarsal phalangeal joint implants available today and prior to utilization, it is incumbent upon surgeons to be familiar with some basic principles. Implant arthroplasty is a commonly performed procedure at the level of the first MTP joint.

1st mtp